Thursday, January 29, 2009

I like to swing

Corner of Webb & Smith, Fitzroy

This pair of crafted cunts took ages to fling-up so they ended up looking a bit like they'd just been through a marathon orgy, but still beautiful, none-the-less.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Cunt Fling-Ups

A couple of weeks ago it was my birthday so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to gather some friends around

Feed them delicious cunt-cakes made by my ma (note the cherry clits)

And set them to work....

The results were GORGEOUS

So gorgeous that I wanted to share them with the world so flung them up into the sky

This lovely pair of cunts can be seen dangling over KingWilliam st Fitzroy.

More cunt fling-ups to follow x

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Thank Christ for my cunt

Joseph may never have gotten a look-in at Mary's cunt but I'm sure he'd be delighted to know that, all these years later, the birth of the darling little bastard Jesus has delivered to me a gorgeous cunt purse which I shall love in all ways except (perhaps) the Biblical.

Yes! Hallelujah! I was lost, penniless, desperately scraping coins from the floor when kakariki looked down upon me and said 'Behold! Casey! Do not despair!'

Gather about you all your little ones and store them in this divine cunt-purse which I have miraculously called forth as a Christmas gift for thee from the interweb...

And ye shall find peace and joy...

And so it was said, and so it was done.

Merry Cuntmas, Amen.