Sunday, May 4, 2008

I'm bloody sick of bloody whimsical little bloody pictures of girls doing bloody fuck-all. (bloody)

This post goes out to the remarkable Ms PolkaDot who manages to consistently create adorable crafts that are NOT benign. No mean feat, in my book.

There have been a rash of 'crafts' infesting the artsy stores & gallerys of this town for some time depicting blank-faced misses doing sweet fuck-all and I am disturbed. I am very disturbed.

Where are their hands? Do they have hands?

Why do they spend an inordinate amount of time swinging?

Just swinging...

But they're never shown climbing up to the swing??

And for God's sake - tell me where their mouths have gone!

They either have tiny puckered up (closed) pinch-pot lips or


It is extremely creepy.



Petunia Skunk said...

right on sister!

thank you for making me stop and think about this... benign depictions of passive, voiceless women are never really benign, are they?

i remember when my ex-best-friend was studying creative writing, first year uni, straight outta school, she got all uppity and outraged because her lecturer had graded a short story of hers very poorly, on the grounds that it was littered with gender stereotypes. he had a point. this girl was all like "how dare he?! i'm a feminist!" but that statement really meant nothing at all, in terms of how she lived her life. sad really. she didn't learn. she withdrew from the unit. gee, that's sticking it to the man!

i say bring on a new wave of feminism. something cuntastic, that can laugh at itself and society, that celebrates women and men and looks at things a little differently.

ps the ex-best-friend later stole my boyfriend so i have no love for her. no love! she's an enemy of womankind :P

Anonymous said...

I love that you have an ex-bestie. I am forever having to preface 'friend' with 'former' when talking about past exploits. It's liberating to have a bit of a friend-cull, now & then, I reckon - be nice or be gone!

Anonymous said...

yeah I mean we shun Barbies because of their completely unnatural representation of the female body. And the result is what? Googly eyed vacant freaks.


Anonymous said...

Civil Rights speeches on the news. Talking of past intimidation on homosexuals.
A little unfocused. Homos hate your guts::::As you showed up to vote for Obama you passed Proposition 8, outlawing gay marriage. Don't bother.
Intimidation, in school and in society in general, was an EXCELLENT tactic in keeping people from envoking the god's ire with sexually deviate behavior. In the absence of this tool of enforecement these disfavoreds have nothing to be afraid of and people who otherwise would avoid digging this hole throughout their lives are now getting into big trouble, the likes of which they may never recover from.
Anti-gay sentiment served a VERY important purpose in society, a benefit which no longer exists and another clue contributing to societal decay.
As black intimidation goes intimidation illustrates a OUTSTANDING example of "reverse positioning":::::
In the days of segregation there were pressures on the black community to "behave", pressures which no longer exist. Actually, it served as a good substitute for Islam, a religion whose strictness helps the believers toe the line, a MAJOR problem among blacks.
Ironically, this intimidation was substituted for Civil Rights, planned and inflicted on the black community by the gods through the Italians. The deterioration which has occurred in the decades since has DEVESTATED the black community, but since the gods have positioned coinciding increased weath the people believe times are improving. Rather, they are falling further out of the god's favor with their behavior, now financable, evident by the community in decay during past crisises (crack epidemic, gang violence, massive drug use, etc).

If people only understood the importance of good parents. You won't be going anywhere without them. And it won't happen unless you are one first.

"The West Bank, where the end of the world will begin." This happened 2000 years ago.

Another feature which the Gods offer as a clue is very foreboading and ominous. Mt. Zion is a mountain to the north of Diablo (the eye of The Beast) and one which has a working quarry at its base. Consistant with the decay we experience in society, Mt. Zion is being eaten away, slowly stripped of its resources, until one day paradise will be gone forever.

Anonymous said...

Abortion is part of the decay inflicted by the gods in the latter half of the 20th century as we approach the Apocalypse::::
- Free sex
- Explosion in gay sex
- Abortion
- Legalized greed/immorality
- The internet. Whereas TV was a phenominally destructive new temptation on the landscape it doesn't hold a candle to the internet. Some people will waste their whole lives.

So many people don't care about global warming. They don't care about the Federal deficit/debt (outside of partisanship) and they don't care earning $400k for an $80,000/year job will eventually bankrupt the country. They have awarded themselves $400k pay and retirement packages, loading up their friends on the payroll during the boom 90s through the real estate bust while all services which the program were intended to fund now get cut to pay for it.
These people are often common public university labor. Not Ivy League, not private university.
This labor isn't good enough to command the salaries they are earning. And they understood this when they applied to the public university they settled on.
You can't expect a top-tier salary with a second-rate education.
They think they are going sometime during/at the end of this life, and disregard the poor souls who are left behind.
These are the people who will be here in the United States when bankruptcy is declared and society deteriorates into chaos. And they will deserve the anarchy which ensues.

Continuing the push for privatization, reinforced and supported recently with enormous public sector salaries and retirement packages.
Once achieved the gods will utilize the corruptive predisposition of the private sector economy, as seen with the sub-prime/bailout fiasco, to initiate economic catastrophy and initiate the bankruptcy proceedings of the United States.
Whether the cure for cancer/diseases or the permanant resolution of economic misery, before the gods remove these motivations to pray we will experience an inordinate deluge of each element, with economic misery being perhaps the dissallusion of the united States with bankruptcy.

The gods used the Italians to ruin life in the 20th century.
The gods used the Italians to ruin life in A.D. with The Church.
The Church controlled Western Civilization. As the largest land owner in Europe they controlled the monarchies. They were responsbile for slavery, revenge for African invasion and rape of Italy. They created religious discontent, ultimately leading to the disfavored dumping ground known as the United States.
And each generation of these Italians were sold on "earning", only to be reincarnated as a lesser life form subsequently, punishment for their evil.
"The West Bank, where the end of the world will begin." With xtianity.

A good example of societal decay and how the gods manage their culpability is birth defects. In the past the gods occassionally punished people by divinely creating birth defects in the womb. Now, with the advent of biotechnology, they tempt the mother with "earning" and compell her to take a substance in utero which deforms the fetus, dispelling the gods of blame and future obligation to the victim. Incidentally, they use liberal policies to pay for these individuals, ensuring a lifetime wasted, for they have no hope for progress. Too often in the past they were mercifully killed immediately and brought back without this handicap, allowing them opportunity to resume their journey of ascention into heaven.
The gods are washing their hands of culpability. The gods are washing their hands of Planet Earth.

You don't want to get involved in the abortion battle. You're not "earning". The gods will use this tool to cast people into Damnation. Nothing will save them. Stop wasting your time on others and work on fixing your own problems. If you don't make enough progress to be granted good parents when reincarnated you will waste your next life too.